How to Create a Job ad that Attracts top Tier Talent

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How to Create a Job ad that Attracts top Tier Talent

Attract prospective employees to your small business

You may think that you have the best company in the world, but simply stating that on a job ad is not going to help you attract top tier talent. In order to attract the skilled professionals you’re looking for, you’ll need to explain what it is, that makes your company a great place to work and exactly what your ideal candidate looks like to help applicants assess whether it’s a good match.

Make your job description as clear as possible.

To begin, you should explicitly explain the role’s responsibilities, including compensation expectations, perks, and vacation time. These are the questions that potential employees have.

Whatever you do, make sure you list the salary. This is a sore point for many job seekers, especially those with a wealth of experience to share. Posting your vacant position without specifying the salary is a waste of time for you and for those who apply. What’s more, you will miss out on talent, as many applicants will be turned off from applying.

If you’re not sure what salary you should be offering, you could consult a team ofagency recruiterswho specialise in your industry, or do some research. Have a look online for similar roles to yours and match the compensation. Lowballing the employee with a lower compensation sends the wrong message that you don’t respect the typical salary for the position. Pay the correct money if you want the right person.

Outline the essential skill set and, if possible, a day-to-day example of tasks alongside the job description. This allows the candidate to learn more about the position, thereby screening out individuals who aren’t interested.

If you don’t have a good command of the English language, hire a copywriter to create the description for you, or involve a recruitment agency to manage the process for you. Typos, grammatical problems, and other inconsistencies don’t scream ‘highest level of professionalism.’

Don’t highlight standard benefits

If you’re offering the bare minimum of vacation days, don’t say things like ’20 days’ vacation plus eight bank holidays,’ as if you’re attempting to sell them something they’re already legally entitled to.

Concentrate on all of the true advantages you can provide. Focus on whatever you have to give, whether it’s free tea and coffee and fresh fruit every week or a cheap gym membership and a day off on your birthday. This is also part of selling the culture of your company. Consider offering flexible working hours or hybrid working to entice the best applicants. Many people have become accustomed to working from home since the pandemic and those who prefer remote working or hybrid working environments will be looking for companies that offer flexible working.

As a result, your small firm will be more enticing to potential employees.

Finding, employing and retaining talent

While discovering and hiring qualified applicants is the most crucial element of the recruitment process, keeping top employees may be a challenge in and of itself. Below we will discuss some of the ways you can locate qualified applicants, onboard them seamlessly and keep them happy throughout their employment.

Locating the most qualified applicants

One of the best ways to find qualified applicants is to hire a recruitment agency to manage the process for you. Recruitment agencies only get paid if they find you the perfect candidate to fill your open position, and they work on commission which is based on a % of the successful applicants salary. Recruitment agencies are ideal for companies that don’t have the time to dedicate to the hiring process. They will handle the process from posting the job ad, al the way through to interviewing candidates. They also have access to a carefully curated pool talented professionals who have already been screened by their organisation.

If you are looking for a cheaper option and you don’t mind taking the time to write and manage your job advertorials and interview candidates in-house, then you should consider getting your job listed on platforms such as indeed and s1jobs which offers both paid and free job posting alternatives. This will give you access to a huge pool of job seekers.

Another wonderful technique to identify the ideal employee is to use the LinkedIn site to headhunt them. You may search for applicants using their current job title and location on this professional network. Being contacted for a position is pleasant, and it’s even better when the position being offered represents a step up for the candidate. According to data, employees hired through LinkedIn are 40% less likely to depart within the first six months.

Although this technique takes more effort, it may help you identify the ideal applicant faster (and for less money!)

The process of interviewing

The interview is a two-way conversation. You want to see if they’ll fit in with your team, and they want to assess whether you’re right for them.

Many times, the employer believes they have complete control, while in reality, it’s a 50/50 split.

Do not use the interview as an integration process; instead, ask them questions that directly relate to the position, inquire about their experience, and let them to elaborate on themes on their own.

The number of interview stages should be determined by the position’s seniority. Is it necessary to do three rounds of interviews when recruiting an administrative assistant, for example? There aren’t many people who will jump through those hoops for a job like this.

Take a step back and evaluate what is necessary for the role level being filled, then prepare appropriately.

Communication is crucial.

Regardless of the outcome of the interview, stay in touch with your applicants. After all, they’ve invested their time and effort in you, so the very least you can do is keep in touch. Keep in touch with eligible prospects, even if they aren’t perfect for that post, whether it’s a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ or a ‘maybe in the future’ – you never know when you’ll need to employ again!

Continual procedures

When it comes to analysing employee performance, yearly pay evaluations, and satisfaction surveys, small businesses aren’t bound by corporate standards. Although most of this may be done in a formal manner, you should consider crafting a more personalised version for your own company.

Consider how you felt when you were locked in the 9-5 grind. Knowing what’s going on in your team, both inside and outside the office, may help you spot problems and create a working atmosphere that works for the majority (no one can please everyone).

Employee performance evaluations or pay reviews allow your staff to offer you with feedback on your company procedures, including what works and what may be improved. These meetings provide them with a neutral place in which to voice their grievances, and it ultimately aids you in assisting them in achieving their professional objectives.

When it comes to employee retention, providing support is critical. Give them liberty, responsibility, and praise for their efforts, and you’ll be well on your way!

Recruitment advice for SMEs

When it comes to hiring people for the first time, are you asking the appropriate questions? Will they be a good fit for your tiny company? Do they wish to be a part of this team? There are so many things to think about, so here are some last-minute pointers to help you get through it.

Don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations.

Depending on how much you trust and appreciate your existing employees, you may be able to ask them for recommendations to prior co-workers. This can reduce your recruitment costs to zero, and if your present employee values them, it’s a terrific start.

Don’t settle for a candidate that isn’t right for you.

If you’re in a hurry to recruit someone, it may be preferable to pick the best applicant out of a lousy group. It’s critical that you don’t make any hasty judgments. If you suspect a candidate isn’t a good match for the position, don’t hire them. Hiring in a hurry can cause team schisms, especially if they can’t deliver on the job or if their personality clashes with the rest of the group. The team atmosphere in a small organisation may be tight-knit, and introducing the wrong individual can swiftly derail this.

Don’t speed through the interview

Consider how you’ll approach the interview process and who you’ll have in the room with you. Usually, the company’s CEO/Managing Director and the line manager are sufficient. Don’t go overboard with a whole crew of staff. Simply choose the most qualified employees and stay with them.

Changing interviewers halfway through the employment process can result in conflicting perspectives; instead, stick with the same personnel throughout the interview process. As a result, everyone will have seen the same prospects, allowing you to make an educated judgement on each one.

Retain talent by being more flexible

Studies show that most individuals would gladly give up their employment if they won a large sum of money. You can’t expect them to adore and commit their entire lives to your company the way you do. Employees require a work-life balance; their quality of life is worth more to them than your business is.

It goes a long way to provide staff flexibility with appointments or when their children are sick. You might try offering them flexible work hours or remote working opportunities. Understanding what your employees value is critical to creating a healthy working environment.

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