Infertility Issues for Men Over 45

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Infertility Issues for Men Over 45

When it comes to infertility, the story is very different between men and women. Women expect their fertility to decline as their bodies change with age. Even though men’s sperm count, sperm quality, semen, and sperm motility naturally decrease with age, men are known to maintain fertility much later in life. Perhaps most famously, Pablo Picasso fathered his last child at the tender age of 68. But that’s not necessarily the case for all men. This is why knowing the most common reasons for infertility over 45 is so important. You will want to learn about the body’s natural progression and know how to support your wellness in order to help prolong, as well as recover, your sexual health and fertility.

Time | The Major Player in Infertility

It’s a known fact that as the body ages, things change. Often people approach these changes pessimistically, thinking that their bodies are “breaking down” with age. In truth, they’re not. The body is supposed to change with time. The body is such a remarkable thing. It knows exactly what to do and when to do it, even though we may not like what it’s doing. When we’re in our thirties, we certainly don’t think of 35 as old, but that is the age when men’s sperm count and overall reproductive ability begins to change.

Around age 35, sperm count lessens, sperm quality begins to decrease, the fluid which suspends and carries the sperm (semen) lessens, and a sperm’s ability to move to the ovum decreases. All of this continues to decrease over time. Then, over 40, testosterone levels in the testicles also begin to decrease, and testicular testosterone is necessary for the development of healthy sperm. All of this is the natural progression of aging, and though it may seem like the beginning of the end for fertility, take comfort in knowing that men who face these natural declines often still father healthy children.

A Life Well Lived

Another consideration for understanding men’s fertility over 45 is recognizing the increased risk of developing a medical condition with age. This could be a genetic condition or another condition which is directly related to how they’ve lived their life. The longer we live, the body will be exposed to more environmental toxins, such as pesticides, which can impact fertility. Then we must consider the increased number of illnesses your body will have endured as you get older. Some illnesses, including sexually transmitted diseases, can have an impact on fertility. Even the body’s natural response to fighting illness can damage fertility. Essentially, the older you get the more your body has to endure, and this can impact fertility.

If getting older wasn’t enough to contend with, if you have a history of smoking, drinking, or even just not supporting the body with proper nutrition the risk of infertility over the age of 45 increases. This is because health conditions, including poor circulation, will have an impact on fertility, as circulation is essential for the sperm’s motility. Compounding infertility further, there are medications which are used to treat a variety of conditions which may also impact fertility.

Taking Back Your Fertility

While many of the factors of infertility over the age of 45 seem to be unavoidable, it doesn’t mean that you have to throw in the towel if you’re hoping to start a family later in life. It’s true that older men tend to have older partners, which means that the reproductive health of the woman will need to be taken into consideration as well. The declining quality of sperm and egg do increase the risk of miscarriage, which is most likely because of abnormal chromosomes. This means that it’s important to do your best to support your fertility by supporting youroverall health.

One of the biggest factors in supporting a man’s reproductive health at any age is to maintain a healthy diet and body weight. Remember, sperm count is on the decline after age 40, so you will want to incorporate spinach, kale, cabbage, and other leafy greens. You’ll also want to increase foods such as lentils, and other legumes. Some studies show that these foods might help increase sperm production.

That said, you’ll want to avoid processed foods and high-fat dairy foods, such as ice-cream, which some research suggests negatively impacts sperm quality and other fertility essentials. Since circulation is a key component to fertility, reducing the impact on the body’s systems by eating right and exercising will not only support good reproductive health, it will help support a better, overall quality of life. Finally, it’s also important to keep in mind that stress plays a major role in your body’s health. Incorporating stress management techniques, along with your efforts to improve your overall health, will be an excellent complement to reaching your fertility goals.

Never Hesitate To Ask For Help

Fertility struggles at any age are difficult to navigate. There’s a variety of physical considerations, but also new emotional hurdles you will likely have to navigate. You can approach your fertility as a challenge, or as an opportunity to make positive changes in your life. The choice is truly yours. Rest assured that there are ample resources to help you make positive changes which will support all aspects of your health — whether it’s yoursexual health, reproductive health, physical health, and mental health. Never hesitate to seek the guidance you need, because the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll be on your way to living your best life.

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